Ways To Have Better Vision (1/5) | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor
Do you make sure to eat healthily and to exercise daily?
Did you also know that despite these two habits, there are other ways of keeping and maintaining your eyes as strong and healthy as they can be? Since you need your eyes for almost everything, there is, of course, knowing that your vision can change and thus can lead to either blurry vision, which can be something rather frightening.
Thus, here are a few tips that can help you in ensuring your eyes and vision are as strong and healthy as they can be in the long run.
1. Eating Healthy
It is important to ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs to provide benefits for your eyes and overall vision. Making sure your diet consists of food that are high on vitamins and minerals such as OMega-3, Vitamins E and C, and even lutein and zinc. The good news is that most of these nutrients can be found in most of the foods we eat such as berries and buts and even fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, which are known to have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Read more: https://joseph-cohen-od-inc.business.site/posts/2476225169217434312?hl=en-US
"Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.
Woodland Hills Optometrist
Receive an Excellent Service and Comprehensive Eye Care
(818) 345-3937
Providing service in English and Farsi
19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364"
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