What to Consider When Considering Contacts by Dr. Joseph Cohen WOODLAND HILLS OPTOMETRIST
Contacts or glasses can be a tough choice for some. While there are diehard fans of one or the other, some find a middle by using both. This article explores the many reasons for which contacts are amazing, in case you are going back and forth with yourself.
Think about why you haven’t tried them. Do you think they are dangerous to your eye health? Are you afraid of inserting them? With good hygiene, the chances of infection are small. Being careful with them can avoid little scratches on the contact which can irritate your eyes.
A quick note on the fear of inserting them: lenses sit on top of your eye. You may never even have to touch your actual eye if done properly. There are videos that show you how to insert and remove them as well as a tutorial when you get your trial pair.
Six things that make contacts awesomE
They move with you
Contacts are the best choice if you are on the move constantly. Glasses can slide up or down, they can even fall off if you get jolted. Contacts move with your eye and they rarely fall out on their own. If you rub your eyes really hard, it’s a possibility but even if you lose that contact, you aren’t out an entire pair of glasses. You also don’t have to worry about whether your contacts are compatible with sports safety gear.
READ MORE AT: http://drjscohen.com/blog/what-to-consider-when-considering-contacts/
Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.
Woodland Hills Optometrist
Get excellent service on a comprehensive eye care
(818) 345-3937
19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.
Woodland Hills Optometrist
Get excellent service on a comprehensive eye care
(818) 345-3937
19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
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