
Showing posts from October, 2018

The importance of Eye Exams by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

Routine eye exams are strongly encourage for everyone of all ages and healths. While at one, the prescription you need will be determined by a skilled professional and the health of your eyes will be examined for ailments or conditions. Your eyes’ movement as a pair and your body’s health as a whole will also be analyzed. Whose eyes should be examined? As mentioned earlier–everyone’s. Eye exams are a vital portion of health preservation for all people. Read more: Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D. Woodland Hills Optometrist Receive an Excellent Service and Comprehensive Eye Care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Understanding Dry Eye by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

This condition is exactly how it’s described; drying of the fluid on the surface of the eye, called the cornea, due to either lack of lubricant (oil, water, or mucus) or poor quality of lubricant. Typically a chronic, long-lasting issue, dry eye is very typical, especially in senior citizens and people with preexisting vision issues. Functional Viewpoint To further understand the causes, let’s examine how a typically functioning eye works.  Read more: Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.  Woodland Hills Optometrist Receive an excellent service on a comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi for American and Iranian Patients 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Understanding Cataracts by Woodland Hills Eye Doctor, Joseph Cohen by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

A cataract is a growth which develops on one or multiple parts of the eye. It is characterized as a cloudy area that typically develops on the lens of the eye. Depending on its development and location, a cataract may or may not affect vision. Typically, these vision issues occur in senior citizens, but in limited cases develop in infants and small children. Causes and Symptoms These growths on the lens affect ones vision by scattering the light that comes into the retina. Read more: corneal detachment or slight corneal hemorrhaging. Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D. Woodland Hills Optometrist Get excellent service on a comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Woodland Hills Optometrist, Dr. Cohen on Understanding Astigmatism by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

There are several reasons why one might have vision issues. Whether it be short sightedness, far sightedness, or glaucoma, we will show you here how astigmatism can affect you. A common issue amongst the population, this visual condition stems from a disfiguration of the corneal lens on top of the eye. Often times, the symptoms are minor. Patients state they typically experience blurry vision (at any distance) and headaches. How it Works Astigmatism can happen at any age, and is typically more difficult to treat over time Read more: Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.  Woodland Hills Optometrist Receive an excellent service on a comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi for American and Iranian Patients 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Choosing an Eye Doctor That’s Right for You Joseph Cohen Inc. by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

Everyone needs their vision, which is why it’s important that you find the resources that are right for you. There’s also a huge level of trust involved. After all, you only get one set of eyes! Finding a competent optometrist, ophthalmologist, or optician will help you develop a trusting relationship for the longevity of your vision and maintain healthy sight for the rest of your life. Before heading straight to the vision clinic, we need to understand what is exactly the doctor can do for  you . Let’s check out the difference in the “Big 3 O’s” in eye care below. Understanding Optometry Optometrists evaluate your eyes for vision, health, and refraction Read more: Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D.  Woodland Hills Optometrist Receive an excellent service on a comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi for American and Iranian Patients ...
In today’s world, technology use is present everywhere and with the excessive use of computers in the work setting, eye strain has become a top health concern for those who work in offices. Specialists predict 5 to 9 out of 10 computer users deal with some form of eyestrain or other effects of computer vision syndrome throughout a workday. Research has shown that fatigue, reduced productivity, and increased work mistakes correlate highly with CVS and eyestrain. So how can you deal with it? We’ve collected some steps that you should try to lessen computer eyestrain and other computer vision danger signs. First, you should undergo a computer eye exam.  This takes top priority as being the most vital step you can take to fend off computer vision issues. It's actually advised for all people who use computers to have their eyes examined prior to their computer work and every consecutive year afterward. Inform your eye doctor of the frequency and duration of your computer...

Healthy Eyes: Vacation Tips by Dr. Joseph Cohen | Woodland Hills Eye Doctor

Everyone knows the basics of keeping skin safe in the sun: stay in the shade and wear sunscreen. Well, your eyes shouldn’t be ignored when protecting yourself. There are basic things that you can do on vacation without leaving your eye health at home. Sunglasses: The good ones Protecting your eyes from UV rays needs to be at the top of your priority list, especially when you plan on spending a lot of time soaking them up. The best, easiest, and the most stylish way to do that is with sunglasses. The most important part of this crucial article of clothing is the percent of UV protection Read more:   "Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D. Woodland Hills Optometrist Get excellent service on a comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364"

Should kids wear contact lenses? by Dr. Cohen O.D. woodland Hills Optometrist

Thinking about getting contacts for your kids? A lot of parents see the benefits of and prefer contacts over other types of vision assistance but are stuck asking when their child will be old enough. Talking from a scientific perspective, contact lenses can be worn at a pretty young age– we’re talking babies in some cases. Research has shown that 9 in 10 children from eight to eleven years can properly take out and put in contacts without parental help. But there are still other factors to consider when thinking about contacts for your child. Is your child mature enough? Age is not the only indication for maturity and you have to make sure your child is actually responsible enough to handle the application and other cares of contact lenses. If they’re already wearing glasses, make sure they understand that contacts are not the same and require more meticulous and careful handling. Analyze how they perform their other duties around the house and that should give you a hint....

Choosing an Eye Doctor That’s Right for You | Woodland Hills Optometrist, Dr. J. Cohen

Everyone needs their vision, which is why it’s important that you find the resources that are right for you. There’s also a huge level of trust involved. After all, you only get one set of eyes! Finding a competent optometrist, ophthalmologist, or optician will help you develop a trusting relationship for the longevity of your vision and maintain healthy sight for the rest of your life. Before heading straight to the vision clinic, we need to understand what is exactly the doctor can do for  you . Let’s check out the difference in the “Big 3 O’s” in eye care below. Read more: Dr. Joseph Cohen O.D. Woodland Hills Optometrist Receive an excellent service on your comprehensive eye care (818) 345-3937 Providing service in English and Farsi 19737 Ventura Blvd., Suite 201, Woodland Hills, CA 91364